

つい先日読み終えた、Ayn Randの『Fountainhead』という本について、少し前の海の向こうのSPN Fanの女の子たちの日記に、Jensenの名前と並んで出てきたのを目にしたことがあって、一体どういうことなんだろう…と気になっていたら、

今朝、とあるところから、Jensen Ackles Fans なんていう私が日頃めったに足を踏み入れることのない場所へのリンクが飛び込んできて…やっとJensenとFountainheadの繋がりがわかりました。

Jensen Ackles Official Newsletter issue #163.



ちょっと脇道に逸れますが、一番下のJensenが『Days of our Lives』にEricとして出ていた頃のインタビューの中にも

Favorite Snacks: Gummi Bears and fruit smoothies.とか

Least favorite food: Sushi.とか

Most treasured posession: My pink stuffed pig.とか

Last thing I do before I go to bed: Say my prayers.とか


How I made the decision to move to California: Before I graduated, I came out to Los Angeles for two weeks to see what the industry was about. I was already registered to go to Texas Tech University. I had my classes all set, I had a roomate, the whole deal. Then, I booked my first audition---a guest spot on Sweet Valley High. I ended up booking an independent film, too, but I wasn't able to do it because I wasn't going to be in town long enough. After that, my manager and agent told me I really needed to be out here. I was still pretty skeptical, so I went home and talked to my parents. I realized that if I would always wonder what I could have done. I decided to come out here for a semester or two. If nothing happened, I would go back home and go to school. I moved out here in Sept. of '96.






Recent fad you admit to trying: using the Rick James quotes.

Love status: her name is Joanna.

Something that makes you see red: running late.

If you could live anywhere, it'd be: toss up between Tahiti, Switzerland, or Cinqa Terra, Italy

What's your take on reality shows, besides there being way too many?:
You know...I wrote out a long explanation of what I thought on this whole subject....read it...and decided not to send it because it really comes down to this...our world and reality is messed up enough and I can get enough of that through reading the paper and watching the news...I like to watch t.v. And films to take me away from reality and into a fictitious world. Why do you think they have us read fictional books and stories in school...to expand our knowledge and creativity. You don't really get that by watching Jerry Springer or Elimidate.

Last concert you've been to:
a very close friend of mine Jason Manns performs around town here pretty frequently and I tend to be a regular. Aside from him...I think it was Martin Sexton

Best gift ever received: Love

No one knows you can: belly dance.............I'm just kidding....seriously.

The person/people you most keep in touch with from DAYS: Julianne Morris, Alison Sweeney

A role you auditioned for, really wanted, and didn't get:
every role I chose to audition for I really want...if I didn't want it, I wouldn't try for it.


Song: Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" performed by Jeff Buckley....favorite song!

Singer/Band: Ben Harper, Nina Simone, Martin Sexton, Jeff Buckley, Chet Baker to name a few.

City: Austin, TX

Food: Steak

Late night snack: dark chocolate and animal crackers

Athlete: Steve Nash

Team: Dallas Mavericks

Sport to watch: basketball

Sport to play: soccer

Vacation spot: Bora Bora, Napa Valley

Book: Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Actor: Paul Newman, Johnny Depp

Actress: Audrey Tautou

TV show: West Wing

Movie: that changes all the time.

Time of Year: fall

Moment in your career: working with James Cameron

Person you'd most like to have in a fox hole with you: Adriana Lima...........ok how about McGyver.

First thing you'd do when visiting NY: probably grab a slice at Ray's pizza

Final words: thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart...you are amazing.....and now I'm going to bed

当時の彼女の名前だとか、最後に行ったコンサートは親友のJason Mannsのだよ、だとか、誰も知らないボクができることに、ベリーダンス(嘘だよ!)を挙げたりだとか、お気に入りのテレビドラマにWest Wing(邦題ホワイトハウス)を挙げていたり、



お気に入りの本として、Fountainhead by Ayn Rand って!言ってますね!







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